After two successful years of running L.A. Film + Music Weekend, along with one web-based competition, we found many more opportunities to connect with independent filmmakers worldwide by going fully digital.

We relaunched our website and kicked things off with a launch competition. Filmmakers from all over the world submitted their films but only two were declared winners.

Il Sentimento, or The Feeling, by Leo Canali won the Audience Favorite award with over a thousand views.

Der Himmel ist Überall Blau, or The Sky Is Blue Everywhere, by Gina Wenzel grabbed our attention early on in the competition and eventually went on to win the Founders Favorite.

Both are cases of fine filmmaking in all areas. Script, Cinematography, Sound Mixing, Acting, Originality and best of all, Creativity.

We wish the filmmakers and their casts and crews the best of luck and continued success as they share these outstanding pieces of cinema with the world.

Berlin Tableau

Berlin Tableau

Castle Hill

Castle Hill


Drama, Fantasy

Bitch, Popcorn & Blood

Action, Comedy
Bitch, Popcorn & Blood