We offer filmmakers an exclusive platform to share their work with their peers and their fans. IFD makes submitting a film easy and accessible for every filmmaker. Not every film will get accepted, but every film has an equal shot. Being accepted into the IFD family is not easy, but it's very rewarding.
Story & Script
Is this a compelling story? Is it keeping my interest? Do I want to keep watching and find out what happens next? Good story structure combined with a good script is sure to grab our attention. Make sure you've ironed out all the wrinkles and filled in the plot holes!
Acting & Editing
We experience the story through the actor. If the actor truly commits and believes what is happening is real, good chance that we'll feel the same way. The actors should be like the tour guide of the world you've created. Don’t rush the edit. Also, cutting out some of the dramatic pauses might be more effective than you think!
Production Quality
No, we don't need to see studio-level productions. We understand that making a great film is hard, but make it the best you can! Great video with bad audio? Hard to enjoy it. Shaky camera and out of focus subjects? Might want to reshoot. You don't need a RED to make a good film - you just need to pay attention to details!

Brandon is a seasoned producer working primarily in animation and motion graphics for commercial productions & branding packages. However, his passion is storytelling in any form as he loves to see an idea come to life. He is currently living in Los Angeles and always seeking inspiration for the next idea.

Barbara is an entrepreneur and writer living in Seattle. Before closing her own theater company in ’06 she has had the pleasure of working with the local talented actors and playwrights. She loves art, books, coffee and her cat.

David is an experienced producer in design, animation and brand packaging. In a previous life, he has been an actor, vocalist and screenwriter. He currently resides in the Los Angeles area and is a believer in the power of stories to change perspectives.